Just want to get started in crypto yourself?

Below you can find a list of our favorite links.

Online Crypto Trading school Academy through independent IBO of IM mastery Academy services and products

Solid Crypto Exchanges



Buy and sell your crypto through Binance.com. Personally, we find this to be the most convenient Crypto Exchange. Binance has a large selection of coins, good strike options, is uncluttered and offers a credit card you can use to make purchases.

Versions available: web and mobile

To Binance.com



Buy and sell your crypto through Crypto.com. Slightly more limited in options but very much potential as far as the future is concerned. They also offer strike and a credit card. They do require a minimum amount of funds before you can apply for a credit card.

Available versions: web, mobile and Defi | Wallet with private keys

To Crypto.com



Buy and sell your crypto through KuCoin.com. Very large selection of altcoins. There are fewer strike options but otherwise similar in use to Binance.

Versions available: web, mobile

To KuCoin.com



Buy and sell your crypto through coinbase.com. Very large selection of altcoins. There are fewer strike options otherwise similar in use to Binance.

Versions available: web, mobile

To Coinbase.com



Buy and sell your crypto through Anycoindirect.eu. Limited Exchange BUT it is located in the Netherlands. Anycoindirect can also be contacted by phone. Personally we find this the best way to funden our other exchanges. For larger amounts they do a one-time video verification of your identity via skype. Also, the withdrawal process from your wallet or other exchange goes very smoothly and they do not charge a large commission. Within 2 to 3 days your money is in the account.

Versions available: web, mobile

To Anycoindirect.eu

Online Crypto Trading school Academy through independent IBO of IM mastery Academy services and products

Featured Wallets



Exodus is a very secure wallet with a reasonable amount of coins. You have your own security keys. Exodus offers a slightly more limited range of altcoins but does allow you to stake some important coins at pretty good APY.

Available versions: web, mobile | Wallet with private keys

To Exodus



Ledger is a very secure wallet with a reasonable amount of coins. It is a cold wallet which means that it is an external stick that you can disconnect from your PC, guaranteeing an additional layer of security. Ledger offers a slightly more limited range of altcoins and allows you to stake some important coins at pretty good APY.

Available versions: app for on computer linked to external device | Wallet with private keys

To Ledger


Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet is a very secure wallet with a reasonable amount of coins. You have your own security keys at your disposal. Trust Wallet offers a very large range of altcoins and allows you to stake some major coins at pretty good APY.

Available versions: mobile | Wallet with private keys

To Trust Wallet


Extension-based wallets

Metamask and Phantom wallets are wallets you can add in your browser.
These Defi wallets are good for if you want to use some strike or lequidity pools with very attractive APY. This belongs to the more advanced category. We only go into this with members who have connected to IM Academy and taken a DEFI course.

Available versions: web | Wallet with private keys

Online Crypto Trading school Academy through independent IBO of IM mastery Academy services and products

Various trading tools



Tradingview allows you to follow the market for all your favorite trading pairs. It gives you the tools to define your own trading strategies. Fib extensions, patterns, retracement and so much more. An absolute MUST HAVE for any trader who wants to anticipate market volatility and grow their investment during volatile times. The IM Academy we promote will show you how to apply these strategies on Tradingview.

Versions available: web and mobile

To Tradingview



Before investing in a particular cryptocurrency do a thorough analysis on what is behind it. Coingecko gives you all the information in one place.

Versions available: web and mobile

To Coingecko